El Nogalar

(Directed By: Enzo Gonzales & Sound Designed by: Mackenzie Adamick)

~Production Photos~

~Process Pictures & Paperwork~

Loading in Studio ONE on Boston University Campus. Built the scaffolding unit to assist in a faster load-in.

Tech Table Notes. Using my ASD/Engineer Books, I took notes for Mackenzie (SD) and helped to prioritize what the tackle during tomorrow's notes block. 

For the Radio Special onstage, the sound team worked with paints and carpentry to hide the bare end cable between the plates of meso that made up the floor and underneath the pillar. 

Amp Rack for the show. Labelled and routed by this show's sound team. 


Drafting of the Speaker Plot for Sound Designer. Took the rough plot of where Mackenzie wanted everything, and re-drafted it in scale with notes on cabling as I was also the Production Audio Engineer. 

El Nogolar Sound Book.pdf

Assistant Sound Designer Book. Throughout Tech, I would assist Mackenzie (SD) by keeping track of things that she noted, their priorty in relation to the following notes block. 

El Nogolar Routing.pdf

Speaker and Amplifier Schedule for this production. Including notes on what speakers would be daisy-chained and what speakers how amplifiers would be distributed. 

~ Remarks~

This production truly was a very fun but delightful challenge! On the Production Audio side, working with the Sound Designer to brainstorm the best way to make an on-stage radio special work. This collaboration with props combined with the Sound Designer's desire to use a Bellfrog Exciter, meant a world of fun revolving around the discreet installation of this speaker. In conjunction to working with an entirely analog system, figuring out the initial routing was a challenge. It turned out to be an exciting puzzle to figure out. Alongside that was my duty as the Assistant Sound Designer. Because my Sound Designer was in meetings for other shows, I got to stand in at meetings and pass along information, in addition to ask for more notes time, etc. This was coupled with taking lots of notes throughout the tech process and overall supporting my sound designer.