B.R.O.K.E.N. Code B.I.R.D. Switching
~Production Pictures~
~Process Pictures & Paperwork~
BROKEN Code Load-In
Projector Testing
Tech Week w/ Performers
FOH Setup
Opening Night
B.R.O.K.E.N. Code B.I.R.D. Switching Block Diagram
B.R.O.K.E.N. Code B.I.R.D. Switching Hookup Schedule
B.R.O.K.E.N. Code B.I.R.D. Switching Routing Schedule
B.R.O.K.E.N. Code B.I.R.D. Switching Speaker Schedule
B.R.O.K.E.N. Code B.I.R.D. Switching was an incredibly impactful original work by Tara L. Wilson Noth. However, much of the pleasure of this show came from supporting the show from a technical side: collaborating with Stage Management regarding difficult speaker positions, hanging multiple projectors for the curved back wall, and landing difficult Audio/Projections sequences. That being said getting to observe the incredibly talented Michael Keck (Sound Designer) and David Murakami (Projections Designer) was a pleasure in and of itself.